I have these two friends, Marlenda and Janelle, who have been asking me to teach them to bead for the longest time now. And I told them I would teach them, but just to let me know when and where.. Well after a year of them asking, we finally had it! :) It was a good session. It took them a while to get the hang of it, but that was mainly because we were talking about other things.. and not really beading ha! But, I was able to teach them how to bead two pairs of earrings! And their outcome was GREAT!! It made me feel good to know that they had learned something from me! :) Before beginning we watched one of my YouTube videos of How to: Bead Native American Beadwork, Earrings
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbqzpChaXnQ and we did a smaller version of that pair of earrings.. Like I said, it took us a while to complete because we were doing more talking and catching up than beading. But they got the hang of it and eventually finished. Here is the finished pair, mine is on top, Janelle's is the middle and Marlenda's is the bottom.

The Second pair of earrings I thought would be simpler because we would be doing just rows of beads. But half way through I asked them if they were easier or harder, Janelle said they were harder than the first pair. Marlenda was concentrating on her beading. And again, the time it took to make these earrings were longer than I thought because of all our talking. But, these ones didn't take as much beading time as the first ones even though they are bigger. When we had finished beading, and were waiting for them to dry, I asked them again if these earrings were easy or hard. Janelle was the first to say that these pair of earrings were much simpler and easier than the one we had done before. I thought, interesting. Marlenda too said these ones seemed like it was faster to bead. So, here is the finished pairs of earrings. Mine on top, Janelle's in the middle and Marlenda's on the bottom..

Funny thing is that when we were all talking, I would be beading at the same time, and I finished like literally an hour before they did. I liked teaching them, it was a lot of fun! :)
Here is a couple of pictures of them in action!
This Is Janelle ^^
This is Marlenda^^